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I got a new phone...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The long story made short... I had a nice Nokia phone in late 2005(brand new), and it didn't work right. I sent it in twice, and the second time I didn't get it back. I went to war with Nokia, and it took over a year to work it out... but they sent me a new phone. While I still feel it took way too long to settle the matter, Nokia did make it up to me.

This is a nokia 6100 series phone (6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103). It's a flip phone, with some nice features. It was very easy to figure out and use. Trust me, anything is better than what I used as a backup phone for that year (a nokia 3595 that survived a trip in the washing machine).

Top Phone Features

Instant messaging: AOL®, Yahoo!® and ICQ®*
Voice messages
Text messaging*
Video capture/playback
FM radio
MegaTones®, Wallpaper, HiFi Ringers®, & Games*

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posted by Robert @ 12:09 AM  
  • At 2:27 AM, Blogger Shin said…

    Phone washer! :P

  • At 12:43 AM, Blogger dohsinbebe said…

    clear evidence that persistence pays off.

    just exactly how much time did you allocate? and how come they didn't provide a tracking #?

  • At 1:55 AM, Blogger Robert said…

    well dohsinbebe, It took almost exactly 15months from the time I first sent it in for service. It did get into their system, and the repair was trackable, but they never did anything... and when I started to complain, the status page on my repair showed "returned to customer unrepaired", but they did not provide a shipping tracking #, or any information. In essence, they made the phone disappear. Thats when I went to war with them. Eventually someone high up in management took care of it, but it took nearly a year of regular email blasting. The phone works nice, sometimes it pays to be persistent.

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Name: Robert
Home: IL, United States
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